Hey! I'm Issy, aka Stark Raving Dad 👋
Eight years ago, my family stepped away from the traditional path and embraced the freedom of living a life without school. At the time, I wrote down my thoughts and feelings as we went through the process of removing our children from a public school system that was (and there's no other way to say it) failing them. It was a cathartic experience, and one that resonated more widely than I could ever imagine. I was sent hundreds of messages from parents telling me my words made them feel seen, understood, validated. But the truth is, that’s what their outpouring was doing for me.
I've written over 200,000 words since that time. Enough to comfortably fill three books. The Life Without School Podcast is only 26 episodes deep but has somehow been listened to well over half a million times.
More than five million people have read and resonated with my thoughts and feelings.
So, I’ll say it again - I feel so seen.
And so should you.
By being here, you're part of a growing movement of families daring to do things differently. I’m excited to share more of this journey with you, and I hope my words can be a source of support and inspiration as you navigate your own path.
I send emails most weeks (like anecdotes from our life, and answers to reader questions), but if you’d like to dig deep right now go and check out my Life Without School Collection - a complete library of ALL my content, including five downloadable guides (the Grandparent’s Guide is my favourite), weekly mini-episodes reflecting on common homeschooling doubts and worries, a three part self-paced course helping you design the foundations of your ideal home educating lifestyle, five hours of recorded masterclasses with expert guests, the three completed (and approved) school exemption documents we submitted to our local Ministry of Education, and more.
Most of the content I publish, including full episodes of my podcast, will always be completely accessible and free for everyone. But if you want that regular extra support and encouragement - or you just want to show your appreciation for my work, for however long! - then please consider signing up to the full collection today 😄
Talk soon!
Issy / Stark Raving Dad 💛