Issy Butson

Issy Butson

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Issy Butson

Part Two: Designing Your Life Without School

I believe we have the opportunity to provide our children with the right conditions to become the truest, best versions of who they were born to be. But that will only happen if we’re super intentional in setting up an environment which creates that outcome.

Issy Butson

Part One: De-schooling Your Mind

This is a critical process that all home educators must go through, if they want to be free to make the most of the experience, and to give their children the best shot at growing up to be autonomous, independent individuals.

Issy Butson

This Is Her Classroom

This is her classroom. And the local farmers’ market. The library. The museum. Skate parks. Forest trails. The swimming pool. Her dance class, karate dojo, gymnastics hall. Her friend’s house. Her own house.It changes and grows, organically, as she does. Her classmates are anyone she meets and spends...

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