Issy Butson

Issy Butson

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Issy Butson

Episode 20: Dear Grandparents

With so many families making the decision to leave the formal education system, and take their own path through life, it also means there are a whole lot of grandparents out there going… Hold on, what’s happening here?! We have a comprehensive, effective school system designed specifically to educate...

Issy Butson

Are Homeschoolers Weird?

“I met a homeschooling family once, the kids were so weird!” Ever heard someone say that? Ever said it yourself? I get it - knowing that someone has taken a contrasting path through life can feel confronting, like their choices are directly questioning ours. It’s much more comfortable to...

Issy Butson

Episode 19: We’re Looking at Education All Wrong

The globally accepted definition of education is children being taught, and learning, in a classroom setting. But is that interesting, and inspiring? Will it help our children become independent, life-long learners, and the best version of themselves? Today, together, we’re going to give education a new definition. We’re...

Issy Butson

Why Being In The Moment Matters

Children are very good at being in the moment. Adults, usually, are not. Not because we don’t want to be, but because we don’t really know how to anymore. From a young age we’re continually asked to move on from moments we’d rather stay present in...

Issy Butson

Episode 18: The Big Home Education Questions Everyone Asks

Will your children be sheltered? How will you educate them properly if you’re not a qualified teacher? How will they get a good job when they grow up? Everyone who chooses a life without school will hear these kinds of questions at some point. They’ll come from friends,...

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