Issy Butson

Issy Butson

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Issy Butson

Did Your Child Have A Say In Being Homeschooled?

“Did your children have a say in being homeschooled? If they decide they want to go to school at some stage, will you let them?”. I’ve been told that by home educating we’re depriving our children of choice. That as parents we’ve just walked down a path...

Issy Butson

Episode 16: On Being Their Coach, Not Their Teacher

Today, I want to talk about why I believe it’s so important that we – as home educating parents – play the role of coach, and mentor, and guide to our children. I want to take you through the simple, but powerful, framework Kate and I have used to help our...

Issy Butson

Episode 15: How To Make This Your Best Home Educating Year Yet

In this episode, I’m taking you through seven things that will help set your family up for the best possible home educating year. These are all things that, through years of experience and reflection, I’ve found contribute the most to balance, personal growth, and fulfilment in our home....

Issy Butson

The Home Schooling Parent's Comfort Handbook

There are days when you start to doubt what you’re doing, and home schooling feels stressful and difficult. If you’re having a moment, getting the wobbles, or feel flustered by questions from other people – this guide will give you a sense of comfort and calm.

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