Issy Butson

Issy Butson

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Issy Butson

School Exemption Examples

Complete copies of our approved school exemption applications for our (then) 13, 11 and 6 year olds.

Issy Butson

Episode 7: A Week In Our Life Without School

A lot of you have asked for a day-in-the-life style episode, so…here it is! I think there’s a stack of important context that should always be shared as part of this kind of conversation, though, so this episode is made up of three parts (if you listen in,...

Issy Butson

Episode 4: Designing Your Life Without School

In this week’s episode I want to talk about how a good home education lifestyle doesn’t just happen…it needs to be designed. Because it’s one thing to decide that a life without school is the right thing for your family, and the path you’re going...

Issy Butson

Episode 3: Busting The Two Biggest Homeschooling Myths

For this episode I want to dig into two of the biggest misconceptions about home education that I, personally, have experienced over the years that I’ve been an unschooling dad. Despite it being a rapidly growing form of education, especially over the past year or two, homeschooling (or unschooling,...

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