
Your go-to library for navigating life without school. Short, focused episodes that tackle real questions and challenges as they come up, helping you build a version of home education that works for your unique family. New episodes landing weekly, only available right here.

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Issy Butson

How to REALLY measure your child's progress 🎙️

When you first step away from the school system, you leave behind all their built-in ways of measuring progress - the grades, the tests, the reading levels...In this week's mini-episode, I'm sharing the simple daily practice we use to record, track, and review progress in our family.

Issy Butson

Why one-on-ones are my secret home ed tool 🎙️

You know what one of the most powerful tools in my home educating toolkit is? It's something I actually learned from my professional life, and it's transformed how I connect with my kids. It's called a one-on-one, or 1:1, and today I want to tell you why it matters so much.

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