
Helloooo and welcome to the Life Without School podcast, where I help you and your children live the life you want to, not just the one you’re told you should.

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Issy Butson

Episode 14: The Gratitude Episode

The global home educating community has grown like crazy in 2021. More families are choosing a life without school than ever before, and it’s never been more important – as we go into the new year – to lift each other up, and encourage, and support, and inspire one another. Which...

Issy Butson

Episode 13: De-schooling Your Way To Educational Freedom

In this episode I want to help you build your de-schooling muscle. The process of taking everything you know about education, wiping your mental slate as clean as possible, and coming at the whole idea of how children learn as fresh as you can. To do that, I want to...

Issy Butson

Episode 11: You Are Not Your Child’s Teacher

Home educating parents often put a huge amount of pressure on themselves to perform the role of being a teacher, and in this episode I want to talk through why I believe the stress, tension, and feelings of failure that so often come from that are unnecessary. First, we’ll...

Issy Butson

Episode 10: Every Child Has A Story To Tell

Asking our children to all learn the same things, at the same times, in the same groups, in the same spaces, with only the same ages… …is effectively asking them to become the same as everyone else. It’s asking them to think less about their true selves, and more...

Issy Butson

Episode 9: Why Trusting Your Child Will Change Their Life

In this episode we’re looking at a philosophy that underpins how Kate and I approach life with our kids, their education, and our relationships with them. It’s very different to the way formal education is approached, and is based on the power of trust. We’ll talk about...

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